As I mentioned, it was my birthday last Thursday and I had such a lovely day. My mum had the week off work and for the fourth year running I was very jammy with the weather and was able to enjoy blue skies and 27 degree sunshine! I will save what we got up to for another post, but I wanted to share some of the lovely gifts I received...including a wonderful surprise in the post...
I came downstairs on the morning of my birthday to a huge jug of one of my favourites, cow parsley - handpicked as it's in abundance in the hedgerows and meadows at the moment - and an array of envelopes and presents! Lots of lovely wrapping paper this year - I do appreciate good wrapping.
Gifts from family and friends. Baking, slippers, Michael Kiwanuka, gorgeous notebooks and a Moleskine recipe journal...they know me well!
And a huge Cath Kidston bag containg my first ever sewing box! So excited about this, as I'm doing a beginners dressmaking course soon and want to get handy with a needle so I can eventually make my own dresses and things...
One particular envelope had my whole family guessing for a few days...the handwriting was similar to one of my friends, but I already had a parcel from her so I was puzzled about the origin of this mystery envelope. It was beautifully decorated with tape and a typewriter typed address...
It turned out to be a gorgeous handmade card from Katie of Sugarpatch! One of the loveliest surprises I have ever received - I genuinely had no idea and it really made smile. I was touched that she had gone to so much effort! A big thank you Katie (this girl is so creative, visit her blog!), and thank you for the gorgeous brooch courtesy of Zoe @ Ladybird Likes (who is equally talented, you should all go and check out her amazing blog and shop)!
I feel like a lucky girl. Birthdays are the best.